White Chapel Back to All

By: RPublishing

 by RPublishing
Price: $ 16.95



Props (.PP2 & .OBJ)
- Chapel Set preload
- Chapel
- Pew
- Pew Row Set (Left/Right)
- Altar Table
- Altar Set
- Cross
- Pedestal
- Pedestal with Vase
- Vase with Lilies
- Pew Lilies
- Ceiling Lamps
- Sconce
- Skydome
- Chapel Main
- Chapel Altar BackWall
- Chapel Altar Ceiling Spots
- Chapel Altar Roof
- Chapel Entrance
- Chapel Roof
- Chapel SideWalls Left/Right

Scenes (.PZ3)
- 8 Scene presets with lights

Poses (.PZ2)
- 10 Full Body Poses for La Femme
- all with their mirrored versions
- 4 'GoTo' poses

Material Options (Superfly optimized) (.MC6)
- Ceiling Lamp ON/OFF
- Ceiling Spots ON/OFF
- Sconce ON/OFF
- Roof Default/Glass

- Chapel Lights

- 12 Cameras