Adding Conforming Clothing: Automatic Conforming

The simplest way of clothing figures is with conforming clothing. Conforming clothing is poseable, just like a human or animal figure. This type of clothing is typically designed for a specific figure (for example, clothing designed for Alyson will not fit or conform exactly to the G2 figures). However, when conforming clothing is “attached” (or conformed) to the figure, it automatically bends and poses along with the character that wears the clothing.

Conforming clothing automatically “fits” to the character that it is designed for.

Options in the Properties dialog allow you to choose whether or not you want to include morphs and/or scaling when conforming your clothing to a figure. For further information, see Figure Properties.

Due to fundamental changes to Alyson 2 and Ryan 2 figures, conforming clothing created for the original Alyson and Ryan figures will not automatically conform.

Conforming clothing is rigged like a figure, including the same joint parameters. Some conforming clothing includes morphs that correspond with the morphs in the figure.

You will find conforming clothing in either the Figure library or the Props library.

You can drag and drop conforming clothing onto a selected figure and the clothing will automatically inherit the pose of the figure. To automatically conform clothing to your figure, follow these steps:

  1. Click to select the figure in your scene that you wish to clothe. This makes it the active figure in your scene.
  2. Locate a conforming clothing item in the desired Figures or Props category. Clothing is often named for the figure that it is designed to fit (for example, Alyson Pants).
  3. Drag the clothing from the library and drop it onto the figure that you selected in Step 1. If your figure is posed, you should see the clothing conform to the pose of the figure.

You can use Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click to select more than one piece of clothing to drag and drop. After making your selection, position the mouse over one of the selected items and then drop them as a group over the figure . Release the mouse button when the status bar at the top reads "Add and conform to (figurename)." The clothing items will load and conform to the figure one at a time. 

© 2020-2021 Bondware, Inc. Last updated November 23, 2021