Adding Dynamic Cloth to the Library Palette

Adding dynamic cloth to the Library palette is a special case that merits its own topic. To add dynamic cloth:

  1. If not done yet, load your desired figure and be sure to disable Inverse Kinematics (see Inverse Kinematics (IK)). Next, open the Joint Editor palette (see Working with Joints and Weights) and click the Zero Figure button.
  2. If not loaded yet, load or import your desired cloth object and ensure it fits the figure without obvious intersections. If importing a static prop, convert it into dynamic cloth using the Cloth room as described in this chapter.
  3. Select the cloth, then open its Properties palette and click the Set Parent button (or select Object > Change Parent)
  4. The Choose Parent window appears. Select Hip, being sure not to check the Inherit bends of parent checkbox.
  5. Open the Library palette to the Props category and select your desired subcategory as described above. Save the cloth object.
  6. You will be prompted to save the object as a smart prop. Click Yes.

If your cloth object is not tied to a figure (such as a tablecloth), simply save it as a prop.

© 2020-2021 Bondware, Inc. Last updated November 23, 2021