Movies and video
Poser has been used in the previsualization stages of movies, not only in Hollywood movies but also in small independent productions. Accessible and affordable, Poser has brought previsualization tools to independent filmmakers who need to create previews of their shots, and digital storyboards, without having to spend thousands of dollars in specialized software and tools. Not only that, but Poser has also made it possible for creators to make their entire feature films. For example, The Exigency, by Cody Vibbart, is a feature-length animated film completely made in Poser.

Medical fields
The website WebMD uses Poser figures for their body map, where users can select the various body parts to check for their symptoms.

Poser is also used to create various types of infographics, including infographics used to share important medical information with the public, and also to create widespread medical campaigns. What’s interesting is that entities from different parts of the world use Poser for this.
IFS Colorado (Independent Forensic Services) is a company that works with 3D experts in different fields to recreate crime scenes. On their website, you can see they use a combination of various techniques and technologies, including 3D scans, motion capture, game engines and also Poser, to recreate various possible scenarios for a crime, and use that information to gather as much information as possible to solve a crime.

Stock images
Poser has also been used to produce stock images for various purposes. Not only images that may be used for medical purposes, like a textureless figure that can be used to point medical information but also stock images that can be used for education, featuring fully rendered scenes with Poser characters.